Ayurvedic Body - Dosha Types
Main Dosha Types: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

Everybody has a particular nature that they are born with. This can also be referred to as your "Body & Mind Constitution". The Ayurveda equivalent of these words is "Dosha" which means the energy that results from the combination of our physical and intellectual (subtle) bodies.
According to Vedic knowledge, creation comes from the five basic elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. And since mankind is also a part of the world and nature, it is also created from these elements. We all have different proportions of these five elements in our natures. This is what determines our constitution. Our Dosha is the result of the distribution levels of these five elements in our physical and intellectual bodies.
These five elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth, determine the three main energies that direct our inner and outer environments: Movement, Transformation and Structure. The three main Dosha types in Ayurveda represent these three basic forces. They are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Vata Dosha, Ether and Air elements. It is created from their combination, and primarily represents the Movement principle.
Pitta Dosha, Fire and Water elements. It is created from their combination, and primarily represents the Transformation principle.
Kapha Dosha, Earth and Water elements. It is created from their combination, and primarily represents the Structure principle.
Every one of us has a nature that is made up of these three forces, or Dosha, at different levels. These basic forces, as they exist in the combination of our physical and intellectual bodies, determine the main qualities of our characters.

If VATA, which represents Movement, is dominant, the physical body will have a tendency to be quite thin and light, full of joy, energetic, and the thoughts and movements will be fast and prone to change. Change is a constant part of life for these people. As long as Vata is balanced, they will have lives that are full, creative and filled with joy. However, if Vata is in a state of imbalance, they become nervous, restless and anxious. This can lead to issues with the digestive system and constipation, sleeplessness, concentration problems, and dry skin.

If PITTA, which represents Transformation, is dominant, the body will have a tendency to have distinct muscle tone, intelligence, be talkative, goal-oriented, determined and be likely to lead. As long as Pitta is balanced, they will be warm-blooded, smart, have talents in leadership and addressing others. However, if Pitta is in a state of imbalance, they become difficult, highly competitive, nervous, suspicious, judging and aggressive. This can lead to issues with inflammation in the body.

If KAPHA, which represents Structure, is dominant, the body will have a tendency to be larger and wider, the thoughts and movements slower, calmer, nurturing, peaceful, loyal, protective and stable. As long as Kapha is balanced, the qualities of being easygoing, supportive, stable and loyal will rise to the surface. However, if Kapha is in a state of imbalance, they can easily gain weight, feel sluggish and lifeless and develop physical ailments from buildups in the body like that of the sinuses. They can also resist healthy change as a result of this imbalance.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle
Body Balancing Ayurvedic Life Knowledge

Balance yourself according to your Doshas!

Ayurveda guides us on the proper use of our senses, ideal daily and seasonal routines, types of physical activity and dietary choices. It reminds us that our health is a balanced and dynamic totality between our environment, physical body, mind and soul. In short, the key to a healthy and happy life is to create harmony between our body, mind and environment.
Everything we perceive as a result of our five senses: what we eat, drink, see, hear, smell and touch, impact our doshas by creating emotions, thoughts and feelings.
Despite the fact that we all have all of these elements within us, for most of us, one or two of the types are more dominant and within our daily lives, there can always be an issue of balance and imbalance for every dosha.
By creating a daily routine and using appropriate Ayurvedic products, we can balance our natures and easily improve our physical, intellectual and emotional health.
Yükselen Çağ has developed Turkey’s first Body & Mind Balancing Ayurvedic Personal Care Products, which you can reach through our Ayurveda Store.